Sunday, March 6, 2011

3.2.1 Summary

  • I learned that imperialism was good in a sense that is could spread good ideas for governments, laws, regulations etc but that is was alos bad because it supressed culture.
  • I learned what a sphere of influence was and how it was good and bad depending on which country you were.
  • I learned how significant the light bulb was and the impacts it has even today.
  • I thought that it was interesting to find out how many inventions Thomas Edison had pattoned (1000)
  • I thought it was interesting how a single canal could play such a huge role on the economy of westren cultures.
  • Is there still large effects of the British Imperialism in Africa today? Like is it still noticable in their cultures?

Words of Wisdom from Gandhi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

- I think that this quote has a lot of meaning behind it. It implies that in order for change to occur you cannot just sit back and ask for change or complain about nothing changing. You have to go out and do it yourself. You need to start the change, be a leader and take control of the situation and stand up for what you believe in because that is the only way that change occurs.

Modern Day Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is owned by Egypt. Roughly 19,000 ships pass through the Suez Canal every year. This canal is a huge importance for any western civilizations such as America. The reason the Suez Canal is most valuable is because of the high transportation of goods such as oil to wesern cultures. The canal provieds a much faster and safer route for transportation. This roue also helps keep goods flowing a a continual basis and the price of goods to stay at a semi steady rate.

Maji Maji Rebellion

In 1905 26,000 african rebles were slaughtered after trying to gain back land that was threatened by the Germans in German East Africa. The warriors went head on into the ranks of the German machine guns believing that they were protected by this magical water they possesed. Sadly they were wrong.

Economic Imperialism

There were four dominant types of Imperialism being used at this time. Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence, and Economic Imperialism. In the Sphere of Influence, Governments had exclusive trading rights and economic benefits from the country they took dominace over. Which means the country that was under the sphere of influence was only allowed to trade with the dominating country and nobody else. This was good for the dominting country because they didn't have to worry about trade competition but it was bad before the dominated country because if the other country did not want their goods they would have a surplus of supplies and not make any money because they cannot trade with anyone else. An example of this would be America and Liberia.

Imperialism Help or Hinder?

Did imperialism help or hinder the world?

  • Helped to jumpstart countries that were lacking because they would then be influenced by a greater country and leadership and regultions would set in forcing the poor country to pick up the pace.
  • It also allowed for powerfull countries to put goods that wern't currently being marketed on the market because the countries that originaly had them were either too small to trade on a global scale or they were just too under developed to realize what goods or raw materials they actually had and the value they would be worth to other people in the world.
  • Imprialism spread good ideas for governments, laws, regulations, and other various ideas to different parts of the world and thu would have an umpact on neighboring countries.
  • It did not allow cultures to develope in their own way but forced them to change to their standards, beliefs, and ideas.
  • It did not allow countries to take a spot on a global scale for themselves but it took their chance away and took the spotlight for themselves.
  • Imperialism divided Africa and it cultures or forced cultures together that didnt like each other.

The Telephone

The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. What this invention did was allow people to talk to each other over long distances. It essentially conected the country. People could no how constant communication. This would be huge for indusries and corporations as well as the normal every day people. This helped to expand the country as people could live further away from big cities and still possibly have communication as long as telephone wires were run near them.

The Light Bulb

The Light Bulb was invented on October 22, 1879 by Thomas Edison. What the light bulb did was take electricity and it would convert it into light by the use of this carbon based filament. The light bulb was used to light up dark areas. This took the place of candles etc. This changed the life a common person because they could now have more efficient light in their homes there was street lamps that were brighter. Factories, stores, schools, hotels, everyone used them. Light bulbs could be found almost anywhere. It created a whole new idea of access because areas that could not be lit before could not easily be lit could now be lit in a much easier and effective manner.


Chapter's 10 & 11

This blog covers chapter 10 An Age of Democracy and Progress as well as chapter 11 The age of Imperialism. It talks about the inventions, innovations, influences, and reforms of the 19th century.

Objective: Throughout this blog I hope to portray to the reader the concept of imperialism and the effects it had on the world. I also hope to show the inventions and changes that were coming about and the impacts they made on the world.